Singapore MRT Now Accepts Payment by Credit Cards

Just in case you don’t know yet, starting from about August 2016, the top-up machine located on each and every Singapore MRT stations are accepting Credit Cards on top of cash and NETS, and that includes not only physical Credit Card, but also contact-less Credit Card, such as Credit Cards with PayWave or MasterPass, Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Android Pay.

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How to top-up your Ez-Link using Credit Card:

1. Make sure you are using the standard Singapore MRT and bus card, Ez-link or they called it Cepas card. Do not use any Banks/third party MRT card as it may not work.
2. Look for the big top-up machines that accepts cash, do not look for smaller machines that only accept NETS.
Payment with Credit Card Option when Topping-up Ez-Link Card
3. As usual, put your Ez-link card to the card holder, then choose ‘Add value’. When prompted to choose mode of payment, select the right-most one: Credit Cards.
4. On the next screen, choose Credit Card if you want to use your physical credit card, choose contact-less credit card if you want to use your PayWave/MasterPass/Apple Pay/Samsung Pay/Android Pay. Follow the instructions.
5. Done. You just successfully topped up your Ez-link using Credit Card.

The Verdict

Life in Singapore now become so much easier, at least when topping-up Ez-link cards. Now you don’t have to always have money in your pocket, you can use credit card to top up. Even in a case where you forgot your wallet but bring with you Ez-link card and smartphone with contactless payment enabled, you don’t need to go back home to get your wallet.

Check here for tips how to help yourself, next time you forgot to bring or lost your wallet.

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