New iPhone Owner: Why My Mobile Internet Data Plan Run Out So Fast?

You just recently acquire a new iPhone, while you think you just use the iPhone internet data plan on average basis only and mostly connected and used WiFi to surf, browse, upload or download, but when the phone bill come, you might get surprised on how much they charge you for the internet data plan.

WiFi Assist

Before arguing or even blaming certain parties, you need to know that since the release of iOS 9 (and iOS after it), Apple has WiFi Assist feature enabled by default on your iPhone.
Turn Off WiFi Assist to save you from high charges internet bill

What is this WiFi Assist?

The main reason Apple made WiFi Assist on your iPhone is to help you keep connected to the internet so your internet (browsing/surfing/downloading/uploading) experience will still be okay even though you get weak WiFi signal, slow WiFi connection, small WiFi bandwidth and all these things related to WiFi. And that’s why Apple has the settings enabled by default.

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Where to find this WiFi Assist Setting?

iPhone WiFi Assists located on Settings > Cellular. Scroll all the way down until you find WiFi Assist.

How to save my Internet Data Plan from blowing up?

Turn off WiFi Assist. Here’s the steps to turn off WiFi Assist:
1. Go to Settings > Cellular
2. Scroll all the way down until you find WiFi Assist
3. Switch it off for good
At least, with the WiFi Assist turned off, the next time you are experiencing slow WiFi connection and if you need to quickly retrieve something from the internet, then you can always use your internet data plan with full consent from you.


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