Good Bye 2016. Welcome 2017!

This post should be posted on 1st Jan 2017 00.00AM, but since I was too tired and slept already during that time, and the following day (2nd Jan)  I was busy doing something else, then only today this post is written and published.
2017 has just started!

2016 Achievements

Continuing from my previous post and looking back a little bit, 2016 was indeed a great year for me. I have achieved the following milestones:

Thanks to everyone and special thanks my wife who directly or indirectly involved on my achievements. Without your helps, I may not be the same person I am today and may not achieved everything I had achieved today.

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2017 Resolutions

2017 Resolutions: Do more exercise – Exercise doesn’t need to be painful. It can be something fun!
Now for the new 2017, I would like to achieve another 7 great milestones:
Hopefully by the end of 2017, which is 12 months away now, I can achieve all those 7 milestones.
What about you? What are your 2017 resolutions? What are you trying to achieve or accomplish in 2017?
Since January has just started, there’s nothing impossible. Start taking actions today!

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