How to become UberEats Driver in Singapore

Starting from ride hailing service, today Uber has expands its services to some other areas, one of them is food delivery service, they called it UberEats.
Become an UberEats Driver

UberEats: The Introduction

Introduced back in 2014 in Santa Monica, California, however only in 2016 the UberEats service reached Singapore shore and started taking orders. Back then it was only in few selected areas but now almost island-wide of Singapore is covered.
Plenty of Food Choices in UberEats: East/West, Restaurant/Hawker foods
There are 4 key parts in UberEats: the app, the food selections, the customers and the drivers. All four is inter-connected.

UberEats Key Part 1: The app – Uber Driver

The app is the glue of the rest 3. Download link below:
Android click here.
iOS click here.
You can download the app but only able to use the app once you have registered successfully, so read on.

UberEats Key Part 2: The food selections

The Food selections is what keep customers coming back, it’s not only giving selection of foods from fast-food chain restaurants, but also foods from normal and fine-dining restaurants plus foods from hawker center. The latter part, however, the list keeps growing and growing.

UberEats Key Part 3: The Customers

Next is the customers. Uber has to diligently keep promoting its food delivery service and its food selections by giving them more choices and better offer so that it can compete with whatever other food delivery services have to offer. Luckily, since Uber is international brand, it has some advantages compared to other food delivery services as Uber brand is more or less in people’s head already.

UberEats Key Part 4: YOU!

The last key part is the driver (or they called it power rider) – you – that’s why you are here, reading this article. Keep read on.
Disclaimer: This is not an Uber sponsored post and may only applicable to Singapore. Other countries could have similar types/options/ways, however best if you check to the country respective UberEats HQ to get the details from them.

Type of UberEats Driver

There are 4 types of UberEats driver:
1. UberEats for Motorcycle – the most common one
2. UberEats for Bicycle – gaining more and more popularity, especially among students
3. UberEats for UberX Partners
4. UberEats for Walker – gaining more popularity in city area
Which one are you interested with? Read more to find out more.

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Differences between Types of UberEats Driver.

1. UberEats for Motorcycle

Minimum age 18 year old or older
Citizenship Singaporean or PR
Vehicle Motorcycle
Documents required Driving license, Motor log & commercial insurance

I never personally tried UberEats for Motorcycle since I don’t have driving license and the motorcycle itself, however I believe UberEats will charge you about $150 (refundable and deductible $30/week for 5 weeks from your Uber Driver account – so you don’t actually need to pay anything upfront) for the merchandise UberEats will give to you such as: the delivery bag, small carry bag, raincoat, cup holder, Uber t-shirt and motorcycle phone holder.

2. UberEats for Bicycle

Minimum age No minimum age required
Citizenship Applicable to all Singapore residents
Vehicle Bicycle
Documents required NRIC, photo of the bicycle, account details
My wife started it first time by becoming UberEats for Bicycle. Like her, all you need to prepare is the bicycle to start taking orders. When you register, UberEats will charge you $150 (don’t worry it’s refundable – if you give up your UberEats delivery and deductible $30/week for 5 weeks from your Uber Driver account – so you don’t actually need to pay anything upfront) for the merchandise UberEats will give to you such as: the delivery bag, small carry bag, raincoat and bicycle phone holder.

3. UberEats for UberX Partner

Minimum age 21 year old or older
Citizenship Singaporean or PR
Vehicle Car
Documents required 3/3A Driving license, Car log & commercial insurance

The requirements above is pretty much covered when you have signed up for becoming UberX driver. In case you are an UberX driver already, all you need to do is just come and visit UberEats HQ (read below for details). Same like UberEats for Motorcycle and Bicycle, when you register, UberEats will charge you some amount of money, I don’t know the exact amount but it could be the same $150 (it’s refundable – if you give up your UberEats delivery and depends on the amount UberEats charge you, if it’s $150 then deductible $30/week for 5 weeks from your Uber Driver account – so you don’t actually need to pay anything upfront) for the merchandise UberEats will give to you such as: the delivery bag, small carry bag, raincoat and phone holder.

4. UberEats for Walker

Minimum age No minimum age required
Citizenship Applicable to all Singapore residents
Vehicle Your pair of legs 🙂
Documents required NRIC, account details
This is the newest type added to the list and the one I like, because it almost requires nothing but yourself and your pair of legs. So if you currently don’t have car, motorbike or bicycle but still want to become an UberEats driver, this is the best you can get. Come to UberEats HQ (read below for details) and get yourself registered. Unlike the other driver types, UberEats for Walker doesn’t get any UberEats merchandise (no delivery bag, no phone holder, no raincoat)- so no deduction required.

Which one do you prefer to be?

So by reading until this far, hopefully you have decided which is the one, out of 4 types of UberEats driver you will choose. For me, it’s the walker. If you can’t decide yet, read more to find out about the incentives.

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Different type of UberEats Driver will have different types of incentives. Check below for more details.

Disclaimer: The incentives information can change without prior notice. Do refer to the link given below, which refers to the official site of UberEats Driver for Singapore, so you can always get the latest update.

Update: As per 15th May 2017, UberEats replaced incentives with Boost. I’ll compile an article once it’s ready.

1. Incentives for UberEats for Motorcycle

Incentives of UberEats for Motorcycle – Courtesy of

Check here (or to get the latest incentives updates for UberEats for Motorcycle.

2. Incentives of UberEats for Bicycle

Incentives of UberEats for Bicycle – Courtesy of

Check here (or to get the latest incentives updates for UberEats for Bicycle.

3. Incentives of UberEats for UberX Driver

Well, I couldn’t get much info for this, but I believe the incentives for UberX Driver is the same as whatever incentive got from driving an UberX car.

Check here (or to get the latest incentives updates for UberEats for UberX Driver.

4. Incentives of UberEats for Walker

Incentives of UberEats for Walker – Courtesy of

Check here (or to get the latest incentives updates for UberEats for Walker.

So which one do you prefer to be?

After knowing the requirements for each type of UberEats driver plus the incentives info, hopefully you have decided which is the one, out of 4 types of UberEats driver you will choose. For me, still it’s the walker.
Whichever types you will choose, don’t forget to register and come to their HQ for verification.

How to register/sign up as an UberEats Driver

Registering is relatively easy and in fact you can do it online.

Fill in the Survey and Know-How Test about UberEats

Check the steps here, to fill up survey including watch a demo, upload necessary documents and complete quiz. Don’t forget to click submit once done. This step is required so that you have better understanding on what you about to do and to better know rules of becoming UberEats driver.

Sign up UberEats

Once you have done with above steps, do the actual sign up using the link here by providing the following information:

  1. First name and last name. Make sure match with your NRIC or ID.
  2. Email
  3. Phone
  4. Password
  5. Country and area
  6. Type of UberEats driver
  7. Invite code. Put my wife invite code for getting S$100: Mayas6837ue

Then follow the next steps. Once done registering online, you still need to come to one of UberEats HQ to complete the sign up.

Where is UberEats HQ

Current UberEats HQ in Singapore is located at:
Frontier Building
50 Ubi Ave 3 #01-12
Singapore 408866
Uber Driver (and not UberEats) Singapore HQ going to move on June 2017
Opening hours:
Monday – Friday: 10am – 6pm
Saturday: 10am – 2pm

Referral code

Update: Since May 2017, new UberEats drivers/power riders need to complete 50 trips to get referral bonus.

Last but not least, you may want to use my referral code / invite code below and get S$100 when you complete 50 trips (or equivalent $$ on your country – if you are not in Singapore – do check your local Uber referral rewards)


Just for your information, when you use my referral code above and you have complete 50 trips, you will get S$100 while myself will get S$70. It’s still a win-win solution rather than get nothing. You can, however, do the same by giving out your referral code to the newly joined UberEats driver.
Disclaimer: Both the reward S$100 and the terms to get it by completing 50 trips may change without prior notice subject to UberEats policy which is beyond my control.

Start taking orders!

Start taking orders by go ONLINE
Open the Uber Driver app and turn the Online toggle and start taking orders!
Find out here: how you can get healthier by becoming UberEats Driver and yet get paid for it.

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