Create Loop Photo Easily on iOS 11

iOS 11 brings so many advancements and new features to iPhone (and iPad and of course iPod Touch). Unfortunately not all those advancements and new features Apple manage to tell us during their WWDC events. Most of them we have to discover ourselves. I, as technology enthusiast, like and love to explore and help to share my findings to the world and you. This time is, to share to you, how you can create loop photo with just iOS stock Camera app and iOS stock Photos apps.

Loop Photo Before and Today

Before iOS 11, to create loop photo, you can’t just snap with your iOS stock Camera app, you’ll need a third party app to do that. One of the first and famous one is Instagram Boomerang. Today with the help of iOS 11, creating a loop photo is just as easy as taking the photo itself. No additional third party app required needed and no techniques to master which means more space for your photos (great for those with space-constraint issue) and more photos you can capture.


Here’s how to create loop photo on iOS 11.

2 apps required here. And they are all pre-installed with your iOS 11: Camera app and Photos app.

iOS 11 Loop Photo Camera and Photos App
iOS 11 Loop Photo: iOS built-in Photos and Camera Apps
1. Open your iOS Camera app, choose Photo as the mode.
2. Make sure LIVE photo is turned ON. If not, tap on the LIVE icon indicated by the circle icon (located on upper part of iOS screen).
iOS 11 Loop Photo iOS Camera
iOS 11 Loop Photo: iOS stock Camera App
3. Capture any good-for-looping objects (such as a waterfall)
4. Now open Photos app
5. Select the Live photo you just capture
6. Slide up your Live photo to bring the hidden menu
iOS 11 Loop Photo Slide up Live Photo
iOS 11 Loop Photo: Tap and Slide Up any Live Photo to bring up hidden menu
7. Choose loop to make it loop photo
iOS 11 Loop Photo Convert to Loop Photo
iOS 11 Loop Photo: Choose Loop to convert Live Photo to Loop Photo


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iOS 11 Loop Photo: The Result

Once Live Photo converted to Loop Photo, you can still revert it back to Live Photo or even choose to convert to other modes.

On iOS 11 itself, if you see the Loop photo, it will keep looping and looping forever.

iOS 11 Loop Photo Loop Photo Tag
iOS 11 Loop Photo: Loop Photo indicator

However if you try to export it out to Mac/PC or save it to cloud (such as Google Drive, Dropbox), iOS 11 will auto-convert Loop photo to be .mov file. If you send it to messaging apps (such as WhatsApp), iOS 11 will auto-convert Loop photo to be .gif file (like what you see below).

iOS 11 Loop Photo result in GIF format
iOS 11 Loop Photo: The GIF Result

iOS 11 Loop Photo: How to revert it back to LIVE Photo

In case you don’t like the Loop Photos and still prefer the original LIVE Photo or would like to choose other modes, the steps to revert it back / change it to other modes are the same.

  1. Open Photos app.
  2. Tap on Loop photo you want to revert it back or change to other modes.
  3. Slide up the Loop photo to bring up the hidden menu.
  4. Choose LIVE Photo or other modes you like to try.

That’s it. As simple as that.

iOS 11 Loop Photo: The Caveat

All the steps above, like it or not, only works with Live Photo. Live photo, although it’s software based, but Apple first introduced it on iPhone 6S as one of the main features of iPhone 6S and for that reason, unfortunately Live Photo only available from iPhone 6S onward which means if your iPhone is before iPhone 6S, you won’t be able to create Loop photo using stock Photos app.
For older iPhone, currently there’s no way to create Loop photos other than to use third party app.

How to get yourself iOS 11

To get yourself iOS 11 preview edition, do check this link.


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