One Frustrating thing I saw people who are using iPhone X – Screen Keeps Rotating

Well this does not happen to iPhone X users only but to other model of iPhone users as well and it’s frustrating to see them doing that…
I can’t help but keep noticing some of iPhone X users here, they are always struggling to use their iPhone X the moment they get the iPhone X from their pocket or bag/clucth and logged in via Face ID. Their screen orientation is switched to landscape mode accidentally although they are not intending to play any video contents or seeing images but to reply messages. It’s all happening due to the position they are holding the iPhone X is not totally up straight – about 45-65 degrees to the left or right – which is a common position if you are sitting on train or public bus and even on your office desk. Did you notice it too? Or did that happen to you as well? Are you one of them?

Lock iPhone X Screen Orientation

Since Apple did a big revamp on their iOS – it was during iOS 7 by the way – there’s this menu on the Control Center screen to lock your iPhone screen orientation to portrait mode so it won’t keep switching to landscape mode. Find the Padlock icon with arrow around it on the iOS Control Center (refer to illustration below for details).
All you need to do is to tap on this padlock icon to lock your iPhone screen orientation to portrait mode.
iPhone X screen orientation padlock icon on iOS 11
iPhone screen orientation: Padlock icon on iOS 11 to lock/unlock screen orientation

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Portrait Mode: Activate the Padlock icon

If what you need is texting, browsing, doing social media stuffs which normally best to be consumed by portrait mode (not landscape), then hold your iPhone X up straight then open Control Center and tap on padlock icon to lock the orientation to portrait. A message will appear on the top of Control Center, saying: Portrait Orientation Lock: ON.
iPhone X screen orientation Portrait mode
iPhone screen orientation: Portrait Mode – great for texting, browsing, doing social media stuffs
Now, no matter whether you are sitting down in good position or a bit too the left or right or laying down on a couch or bed and tilting to the left or right, your screen won’t change its orientation and you can enjoy texting, browsing, doing social media stuffs to the fullest without getting disturbed by iPhone screen that keeps rotating.

Landscape Mode: Deactivate the Padlock icon

Only if you are planning to watch YouTube videos, movies, play full screen landscape-orientation games (depends on the games) which normally best to be consumed on landscape mode, then hold your iPhone X in landscape mode, bring down the Control Center and tap on padlock icon to deactivate the Portrait mode screen orientation lock and switch the iPhone screen orientation to landscape.
iPhone X screen orientation landscape mode
iPhone screen orientation: landscape mode – great for video consumption, playing games

Bring it all together

If it works for you, do consider to share this article to your friends and family who you do think until today, they are still struggling with their iPhone screen orientation. Cheers!


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