My 200th published post!
Well, actually it’s not only my posts but both my wife and me combined. So far my wife has contributed 1 post here while the rest 199 published posts are mine. Looking forward for her to contribute more on my website.

200 posts = Achievement 🎂🎉
200 posts are not a big numbers to say, especially compared to big names websites that score hundreds if not thousands posts per year but for sure it’s an achievement for my wife and myself to celebrate with.

Let me celebrate with a glass of Kopi Gao Siew Dai. In case you are wondering what the hell is Kopi Gao Siew Dai – it’s type of coffee sold locally here in Singapore – do check here how you can master ordering coffee and tea in Lion city!
Fun Fact: 1 post published every 2.55 days 🤩👍
Within 17 months of this website – was first up and running on 7/7/2016 – and with average 30 days/month, the whole 17 months resulting in 510 days. With total 200 posts have been published to date, that means every 2.55 days 1 post was published on by counting in Saturday and Sunday in.
For details breakdown how far and good perform so far – including revenues and costs, do visit here.
Wish and Hope
Looking forward to bring down the number of days required for publishing single post down which means more posts to be published which also translates to more amazing experiences to be shared and enjoyed by readers.
Hopefully next year and many years to come will be more fruitful for me and wife and
Hi, thanks for reading my article. I do spend my time and efforts writing this article based on my own experiences for my own journal as well as to share the knowledge to whoever read it so hopefully they can get the benefit out of it
If you find and feel this article is good and helping you in anyway, help me to spread the words by sharing this article to your family, friends, acquaintances so all this goodness, my spent time and efforts do not just stop at you, they will also get the same goodness and benefit from it.
Thank you!
This post is created and published fully on mobile device to be consumed best on mobile device. Pardon me for typos, any mis-alignments and any mis-layouting.
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