My Very First Dollar from Passive Income – Passive Income Here I Come!

Everything starts with baby steps and so does my passive income. You may or may not notice since these days people are using ads blocker – but in case you notice, these days my blog has some additional pictures shown on any articles – those are ads served by Google AdSense.
Yay! Passive Income Here I Come!
I won’t discuss the steps to setup Google AdSense here in this post, but I will detail  it on my future post. So stay tuned for my future posts with AdSense as its topic.
I have considered this long time back  thinking whether or not I should put ads on my blog. But finally last Saturday 24th March 2018, I have decided to put ads on my blog and chose Google AdSense as the ads platform which all this is aligned to my 2018 resolutions and target (read here), to get more steady income from my blog and to target to be financially free at the age of 35.

My First Dollar from Passive Income

So here it is, my first dollar from Google AdSense. Yay! Thank you folks for all of your support! Do keep reading my articles and give inputs/suggestions on what can be improved, what topics you guys are interested in.
Passive Income First Dollar from Google AdSense
Passive Income Here I Come: My Very First Dollar from Google AdSense
Though it’s just one dollar, but it means a lot to me. This $1 proves me that passive income is achievable and can be done.

What does it mean to you and the rest readers?

Well in short, nothing changed except those extra pictures. Hopefully you won’t get annoyed with the ads shown on the page.
I will still aim my best to deliver and share great contents based on my life experiences which hopefully by reading them help and benefit you and other readers.
Thank you!

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Hi, thanks for reading my article. I do spend my time and efforts writing this article based on my own experiences for my own journal as well as to share the knowledge to whoever read it so hopefully they can get the benefit out of it

If you find and feel this article is good and helping you in anyway, help me to spread the words by sharing this article to your family, friends, acquaintances so all this goodness, my spent time and efforts do not just stop at you, they will also get the same goodness and benefit from it.

Thank you!

One thought on “My Very First Dollar from Passive Income – Passive Income Here I Come!

  • April 19, 2024 at 2:22 pm

    Your tips for passive income are eye-opening.


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