Enable Your Website in Different Languages The Easy Way – Bring In More Traffics
Website and blog owners, especially those who just started and wanted to get as many readers and subscribers from just about anywhere in the world, enabling your website and blog in different language is an absolute must! Not only you’ll get broader audiences but also you’ll get more traffics.
Website and blog owners must do this to get more and more traffic coming from just about anywhere!
I recently enabled different languages on my website http://jilaxzone.com and I couldn’t be happier. Since then, more and more traffic keep coming from various different countries and places – even coming from countries I never imagined reading my writings (eg: China, Japan).
We are all have to admit, not everyone know English. Not everybody knows the language your website is using. But probably some of them are interested or in need to know the contents of your website or blog, so why not enable different languages so that these people can get the info they are looking for and in return you get the traffic. Win-win solution, isn’t it?
It’s a one time effort. And It’s fairly easy.
Here I would like to share you how easy to enable your website and blog in different languages, with the help of Google Translate.
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The steps require you to have Google account and is recommended to be done using computer.
1) Open this Google Translate link https://translate.google.com/manager/website/.
2) Login to your Google Account if prompted.

3) Click on “Add to your website now” button.

4) Under Website Info, fill in your website URL and the main language of your website. Click Next once done.

5) Under Plugin Settings, choose the Translation languages, Display Mode and Advanced.
For my website, I choose All languages for Translation languages, Vertical for Display Mode and ticked the first two for Advanced. Click Get Code once done.

6) Under Add Plugin, you’ll see the specific Google Translate code to be embedded to your website. Copy the code.
7) Open your website, either via File Manager, SFTP or whatever method that is, paste the code you get from step 6. Recommended to paste it on the header section if you want each and every pages on your website be translated to various different languages.
Once done, try to open your website from any browser, you should see now Google Translate widget is appearing on your website. Any visitors from any places and countries now can choose (or even Google recommend) their preferred language.
Do Give It a Try!
Here what it looks like on my website.

Do give a try on your website too and be surprise with incoming traffics. Cheers!
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