Meet the First Foldable Phone (Hint: It’s a Smartphone but It’s not Samsung Galaxy S10)

android foldable phone from lenovo

Foldable Phone is coming sooner than expected!

It’s still in prototype phase but it is coming sooner than expected.

The world thought that Samsung is going to be first to come with a smartphone with foldable screen. I was also under the same impression until I read and see the video myself.

Meet the first foldable Smartphone!

Check out the video yourself here.

In case, you can’t see the embedded video up there, here is the link.

Looking closely into the video, you can see (though not so clearly) Lenovo’s logo. For those who doesn’t know Lenovo, it’s a Chinese phone and computer manufacturer, which bought IBM Thinkpad laptop and PC brand as well as Motorola.

Back to the video, it was clearly showing Friday, February 9 – which actually falls on this year 9th February 2018. So this video was taken early this year and only leaked recently.

Also spotted on the video is the iconic 3 home screen Android buttons. So yes, it’s running Android though I can’t tell which version it was running.

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It’s coming, but who’s going to be the first?

So as you can see, foldable phone is coming sooner than expected to our pocket.

Question is, who’s going to be the first one to release the first foldable phone to the public? Will Samsung live the hype that people all this time has been telling the next Samsung Galaxy flagship – the S10 – to come out with foldable screen or will Lenovo catch up and publish it before Samsung come out with the S10? Only time will tell for sure.

Looking at the recent technology advancements and the rate we are going into: A.I, Machine Learning, IoT, Big Data, Face ID, Fingerprint scanner directly on the screen – a technology Apple failed to implement to their iPhone, if you haven’t seen the thing, check it out here -, whatever technologies we are seeing on Marvel’s Iron Man movies (all those fancies computers and display) is now getting closer and closer! Are you ready for the next big thing?

I was first spotted the news from Pocket Now.


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