WhatsApp sticker is here. Here’s how to use WhatsApp stickers on any Android and iPhone.

Well, better be late rather than nothing! And that is WhatsApp.

While other messenger app already has stickers since the past few years (E.g: LINE Messenger, BlackBerry Messenger, and many others – even Apple built-in iMessage for iOS and Google Messages for Android have a lot of them), WhatsApp has just recently brought in and introduced stickers to its messenger.

WhatsApp Stickers: Welcome!

At this point of time, WhatsApp has just released 12 sticker packs which fortunately they are all available for FREE.

These are them.

WhatsApp Stickers Set 1 to 4
WhatsApp Stickers Set 5 to 8
WhatsApp Stickers Set 9 to 12


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So Here’s How to use WhatsApp Stickers

Interested to use the stickers as part of your WhatsApp conversation? Well, here’s how to use the WhatsApp stickers.

1) Make sure you are using the latest WhatsApp.

If you are unsure, just go to Apple App Store or Google Play Store and search “WhatsApp” and hit the update button. At the time this article is written, latest WhatsApp version for iOS is version 2.18.100 whereby for Android, the latest version is updated on 24th October 2018. So if you are on that version or up, you can skip the update.

In case you are lazy to do it, here’s the link to directly open WhatsApp.

iOS / iPhone Android
OS iOS 8 & up Android 4.3 (JellyBean) & up
Internet Connection Required Yes Yes
Download Link
QR Code
Alternative Link iOS link Android link


2) Once latest version installed, open WhatsApp. First time after updating to latest version, WhatsApp will first do optimization. Let the optimization runs until completed.

3) Go to any chat room / group chat room.

Tap the Sticker button to use sticker on WhatsApp

4) On the text bar, tap on the Sticker icon ( <–rounded square icon). It will shows 2 tabs: GIF and Stickers ( <– rounded square icon).

Tap either the GIF or Sticker button to switch between the two on WhatsApp

5) Tap on GIF if you would like to send GIF or tap on the Stickers tab () if you would like to send stickers.

6) On Sticker tab, tap on the “+” button to open pop-up window showing the sticker repository where you can see all the available stickers.

7) Tap on the download button (arrow down icon) to download the sticker pack.

8) Once done downloading additional stickers, close the pop-up window.

9) The stickers are ready to use. Tap on any stickers to send.

Bring It All Together

So far, unlike other messengers which has FREE stickers as well as premium paid stickers, all WhatsApp stickers are downloadable for FREE at no additional cost. And while more and more stickers may be added in the near future, but hopefully it will stay FREE. Make sure to download all the available stickers and have fun!


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