FREE! Ep 0: Introduction
Who doesn’t love free stuffs? I do love them. And that’s what I have been doing the past 4 years with my blog at here, I share everything I can possibly share, from life to work related to travel to tech, tips and tricks, hacking and sometimes cracking, all based on my own knowledge and experiences and they are in forms of blog post, images, videos, all for free for you to consume.
However, starting today, I would like to go one step further. Apart from sharing my own experiences and knowledge, I would also like to share my findings on anything good and great and most importantly free, all stuffs I can find. But they are not just free-free, the one I post, at least I have been using it myself and/or I consider as good as I don’t want to post anything free but they aren’t good or don’t have any value add to you.

Any articles going forward tagged with FREE! is going to cover anything that is, obviously, free – be it forever free or temporarily free. And it can be anything, though mostly I’ll cover free software, apps and games (since these are my interest and what I do for life so far), but doesn’t close the possibility for me to cover other free stuffs: such as but not limited to movies, items, deals, promos, local and international.
I am thinking to post this FREE! article at least once a week, but we’ll see if I can post more often or worst, bi-weekly – depends on what I can find and whether they are good to share or not.
Hope you’ll enjoy my articles covering FREE! stuffs.
In case you like them, don’t hesitate to share it with people you love and care too, so that they also can get and enjoy the FREE! stuffs. So stay tuned!
Do you have anything you want me to cover on my next article? Write them down on the comment section down below.
Alternatively, find more interesting topics on JILAXZONE:
JILAXZONE – Jon’s Interesting Life & Amazing eXperience ZONE.
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Thank you!
Live to Share. Share to Live. This blog is my life-long term project, for me to share my experiences and knowledge to the world which hopefully can be fruitful to those who read them and in the end hoping to become my life-long (passive) income.
My apologies. If you see ads appearing on this site and getting annoyed or disturb by them. As much as I want to share everything for free, unfortunately the domain and hosting used to host all these articles are not free. That’s the reason I need the ads running to offset the cost. While I won’t force you to see the ads, but it will be great and helpful if you are willing to turn off the ad-blocker while seeing this site.