Android: Turning screen off without Power Button & without installing any apps

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Another day another Android tips and tricks at JILAXZONE! This time is how you can switch off / turn off / lock your Android screen without Power button and without installing any 3rd party apps.

Why you even want to go this route – turning off Android screen without Power button and without installing any 3rd party apps? Well, you have your reasons but likely it’s because either 1) you just want the convenience or 2) your Power button just broke or 3) you don’t want your power button to break soon, so you are looking for a way to better preserve it and 4) at the same time you don’t want to install any shady 3rd party apps to turn screen off probably because you don’t want anything bad happen (such as data leaks, privacy issues, etc). Don’t worry, in this article, I’m sharing how you can achieve all that – turning screen off without using Power button and without installing any apps. Enough with the introduction, go check out the steps below.

Here’s how to turn Android screen off without Power Button & without installing any apps

Android has the Accessibility Menu which has few helpful features. One of them is Lock screen – which is useful to turn Android screen off. Check out the steps below to activate the Accessibility Menu and use the Lock Screen feature.

One-time setup

This one-time setup is required to enable the feature. The steps below are based on Android 11 running on Google Pixel, if you are using different Android version and phone, the steps may slightly differs from yours, so please adjust accordingly.

1) On your Android device, go to Settings > Accessibility. Tap on “Accessibility Menu”.

2) Inside Accessibility Menu, under Option, turn on “Accessibility Menu Shortcut”.

3) You’ll get prompted with “Allow Accessibility Menu to have full control of your device?” and follow by lengthy description, tap “Allow” to proceed.

4) You’ll get another prompt, this time to let you know how to activate the Accessibility menu. Tap “Got it” once you read it to proceed.

Android Accessibility Menu setup
If you are using the standard 2-button or 3-button navigation, you’ll get notified with how to use the accessibility button
If you are using Gesture navigation, you’ll get notified with how to use new accessibility gesture

Here’s how to switch off screen without using the Power Button on Android device

Once you have done the one-time setup (instruction above), here’s how you can switch off screen without using the Power button:

On Android 2-button navigation, here’s how the Accessibility button (bottom right of the screen) looks like

1) Activate the Accessibility Menu. Depends on your Android device settings, if you are using the standard 2-button or 3-button navigations, tap on the “Person” icon located at the bottom right of the screen, if you are using Gesture navigation, swipe up with two fingers.

Android Accessibility Menu

2) On the Accessibility Menu, tap “Lock Screen” to turn Android screen off without using Power button.

Bring it all together

With Accessibility Menu detailed above, now you can easily switch off / turn off / lock your Android screen without the needs of Power button nor installing any apps, so in case your Power button just broke, you can still use your Android phone just like normal or in case you want to “preserve” your Power button to work longer, then now you know how you can do so.

In case you have queries related to the topic, don’t hesitate to ask me via the comment section down below, I’ll be happy to help!

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