Uber Driver App Updates – Messaging Is Now Easy And Cost Nothing

For Uber Drivers and UberEats food delivery couriers, in the past week (12th March 2018 to be exact), Uber has updated its app to incorporate the long-awaited-been-asked feature: in-app messaging system.

Update Uber Driver App Today – UberEats

No more SMS charges!

In the past as you may know, as Uber Driver or UberEats delivery couriers, if you need to message customers, you need a few tap to get the masked number then text message using either iOS or Android standard messaging app where the standard SMS fees also applies. Well, now no more (no longer using the iOS / Android standard messaging app, no more SMS charges) – though it still require you to do few taps to reach the in-app messaging system.

The New Uber Driver In-App Messaging System

Since 12th March 2018, Uber has updated its Uber Driver app to incorporate the new messaging system, so now all chit-chatting happens inside the Uber Driver app itself.
Here’s how it looks to chit-chatting using the new in-app messaging system on the Uber Driver App.
Uber Driver New Messaging System jilaxzone.com no more SMS
Uber Driver App New Messaging System: The in-app messaging system look and feel –
No more SMS costs
What’s even better is that, now the app has easy-acknowledgement kind of button for the driver and courier to easily send the acknowledgement and telling customer that their messages have been read and acknowledged.
Uber Driver New Messaging System jilaxzone.com Thumbs Up Acknowledge
Uber Driver App New Messaging System: Tap Thumbs Up to acknowledge customer message(s)
There’s this thumbs up button on the screen whenever you receive messages from customer. All you need to do is tap on that button to acknowledge the messages.
Well Uber, good progress!
What do you guys as either Uber Driver or UberEats courier think about this new messaging feature? Is it good? Does it help? Do comments on the comment section down below.
If you happen to be in Singapore and looking for part time job while at the same time getting healthy and get paid for it, do you join me doing food delivery. For those who are interested, do check my link here.


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